Swami Kriyananda says recall an occasion when you felt tired, even exhausted, but unexpectedly found something you really wanted to do and felt energised to do it. Perhaps, an old friend invited you to a restaurant. And at once, your fatigue vanished
Where did that burst of energy come from? Yogananda used to tell his students, “A little gram of your flesh contains enough latent energy to keep the city of Chicago supplied with electricity for a week. And yet,” he continued, smiling, “You complain of feeling tired! It is because you live too attached to the body, rather than seeing yourselves as waves of God’s infinite energy!” The following practices will help you develop a more willing and enthusiastic attitude. Be happy! Most people think happiness comes as a result of escaping some difficulty, or of fulfiling some desire. Happiness, however, comes primarily from holding happy thoughts. Happiness increases one’s awareness, moreover, for it naturally includes others in one’s wellbeing, it embraces fresh experiences and welcomes opportunities. Smile readily. You’ll never be happy in the possession of mere things. Make it your philosophy of life to simply be happy! Practice affirmation. The simple statement, for instance, “I live wholeheartedly Here and Now!” when repeated several times a day with deep concentration, can help to transform mere intentions into reality by giving them force and definition. Give your full attention to everything you do. Live wholeheartedly in the Here and Now. The reality of the past is that it has helped to create the present. The future will be determined by how wisely—or unwisely—you live now. Do your best today, and the results will take care of themselves. They will reflect the very best that is in you. Don’t be attached to success or failure. Successful people work primarily for the joy of doing what they feel inspired to do. They are less concerned with returns on their labour. Detachment helps a person live fully in the present—to do his best now.